Renowned gem hunter Guy Clutterbuck is on a mission to find the world’s most precious gems. To do this he has assembled a specialist squad; an Aussie miner, an American engineer, an American gold prospector and explosives expert, and a British ex-Army mechanic.
Together they’ll travel to the farthest reaches of the globe, from Africa to Greenland and Colombia, to source small scale gem mines that produce rubies, emeralds, sapphires and all manners of precious stones. But gem mining has a shady reputation so Guy and his team plan to do things differently. They will find ethical mines, and working alongside the local miners, they’ll combine their Western know-how with local knowledge to find these precious rough gems that the team can then buy, cut and sell for a profit.
This is a high stakes gem hunt that could make them, and the local communities working with them, a LOT of money. Each mission is high risk, full of real life jeopardy and extreme environments.